How To Install Rpm Package On Arch Linux Aur

Im really new to this whole packaging system as is just switched over to Arch from Ubuntu. So here is my actual Question. I got a source package which is a rpm Package. So far so good. Installed rpm2targz from AUR. Now I got the binary files but what do i actually have to do now? After that, it ask you whether you want to continue building the Arch Linux package. Press Y to continue. Now it starts downloading source package. After it finished downloading source and making Arch packages, press Y to install this package to your Arch Linux OS. Finally, enter your password to install this package.

  • Arch users can find the latest version of Slack in the AUR. If you haven’t set up an AUR helper on your system, go to Slack’s AUR page, and clone the Git repository there. Change into the directory, and build and install the package with makepkg.
  • Pacaur is also referred to as AUR helpers since it automates the process of installing a package from AUR. Think of it as an automated way to build packages on a Linux server from source. Instead of manually downloading the package, run./configure, then make and finally make install, all this is done for you automatically.
  • Yaourt stands for Yet Another User Repository Tool is a package wrapper which is used to install packages from AUR & pacman repository, how pacman works. Yaourt also use the same syntax like pacman. Yaourt also use the same syntax like pacman.
  • 2 Methods to Install Yaourt on Arch Linux. February 5, 2018 Updated February 5, 2018 LINUX HOWTO. YAOURT is short for Yet Another User Repository Tool. It is a tool for automatization of AUR package installation. How to RPM Query for Packages on Linux.
  • The Arch User Repository (AUR) is a community-driven repository for Arch users which contains approximately 44,000+ packages. It’s similar to third party repositories & PPA how rpm & deb based system have. Users can add and install their favorite packages from AUR but the problem is they can’t.
Active1 year, 3 months ago

Arch Linux has the AUR (Arch User Repository), a collection of user-built packages. How do I install these packages on Arch Linux ARM though?

13.7k11 gold badges42 silver badges89 bronze badges

6 Answers

According to the Building Packages page from the Arch Linux ARM, you need to.

  1. Install the build essentials. These are needed to compile packages on Arch Linux ARM.

  2. Obtain the PKGBUILD. You need to download the tarball that you want. You can find the tarballs for programs at the AUR.

  3. Make the packages. Next you need to run makepkg in order to generate a package that pacman can install.

    The -A option ignores the target Arch architecture. The -c option cleans up the directory after makepkg is done, and -s installs the needed dependencies.

    It is advised that you do NOT run makepkg as root as it can cause permanent damage to your system. If you really need to run it as root though, use the --asroot option.

  4. Install the package.makepkg should have create a file in the directory with the filetype .pkg.tar.xz. You should install this package by using the -U option with pacman.

    Make sure you replace x.pkg.tar.xz with the actual package name.


The easiest solution is to use Yaourt (Yet AnOther User Repository Tool).

You can install with:

And then sync with the AUR:

You can then search AUR packages:

Which will provide interactive prompts for installation.

Legal aspects of business akhileshwar pathak pdf editor. Or if you know the package name exactly:

Most pacman commands are the same for yaourt.

19k9 gold badges79 silver badges129 bronze badges

All of the above answers are outdated. My answer is not very good, but hopefully avoids the issue of becoming outdated.

The official wiki explains, in detail, how one goes about installing/building a package that is not part of pacman (packer and yaourt as of this date). Outlook express for windows 7.

Both packer and yaourt are flagged as out of date in AUR. (this may change in the future).

13.7k11 gold badges42 silver badges89 bronze badges

I use packer for this purpose which in my opinion is a faster alternative to yaourt.

Just add these two lines to your /etc/pacman.conf:

Then you can install/update packer via pacman:

And use packer in pretty much the same way you use pacman:

Also if you wan't to upgrade all packages including ones from the AUR:

Packer will first run pacman -Syu to upgrade the packages from official repositories, then it will upgrade all AUR packages.

13.7k11 gold badges42 silver badges89 bronze badges

IMPORTANT!yaourt is insecure and deprecated according to the wiki:

While @Jivings answer was best back in `12, I would recommend installing one of the more secure and feature rich arch package managers (and I suggest someone update @Jivings answer as it has the most visibility).

I am using aurman and dig it. Has all the features, is secure, and the cli works almost exactly like pacman. To install:

Then you can then follow a pacman guide almost exactly but using aurman instead of pacman. The following guide was taken from and got me started:

Arch Linux provides package management facilities similar to those found in other modern Linux distributions. This is a guide to common package management operations.

Before proceeding further, make sure your package databases are up to date with:

Favoring brevity over intuitiveness, most package management operations in Arch Linux appear in the format:

For example, the normal command for searching pacman repositories is


Alternatively, you can use pacman -Qs with the downside of no color highlighting.

If you want color highlighting with pacman -Ss, you can uncomment Color from /etc/pacman.conf. It highlights different things than pacsearch, though, so you might want to try both and see which one you like better.

If pacman -Qi is passed no arguments, it returns all packages in the system. You can search this output to get specialized information about installed packages.

For example, if you wanted to get each package and its size:


While pacman -Qi provides information about installed packages, pacman -Si queries the database for the most recently retrieved information about a package.

pacman -Ql lists all files associated with a package.


The package name on each line can make the output more difficult to use in a script. pacman -Qlq (i.e. 'pacman query list, quiet') will not print the package name.


You can use pacman -Qlq grep bin to find all files in that package that are in a bin folder (and thus are likely executable files). This is handy when the command associated with a package is different from the package name.

The typical way to install or upgrade a standard package is pacman -S.

Packages often have a similar pattern in their names. Brackets can be used as a shortcut.

Sometimes you might want to just download a package for archival purposes without installing it. pacman -Sw will download a package to the cache folder.

If a package has been downloaded, or if you know the url, you can install it directly.

Since pacman revolves around the idea of 'syncing' a package with the remote repository, pacman -S will upgrade a package if it is already installed.

Pacman can list packages that are out of date.

Unfortunately, it doesn't display the version of the package in the repository, so you won't be able to tell how out of date each package is. If this is important to you, you might want to look into 3rd party package managers or write a script that ties together the package version obtained from pacman -Qi and pacman -Si.

You can get the version from pacman -Qi or pacman -Si using a regular expression.

And then write a script that shows the versions side by side.

Pacman provides a way to upgrade all of your packages at once, but it is not recommended because Arch is a rolling release distribution. If problems arise, it can take time to determine what the causes are.

Arch Linux does not officially maintain deprecated packages. Instead, you will need to rely on your package cache and places like the Arch Rollback Machine.Cache

Every package downloaded with pacman is stored in /var/cache/pacman/pkg.


Linux How To Install Rpm Package On Ubuntu

If you would like to revert to a package in your cache, just install it directly.

The Arch Rollback Machine is a collection of snapshots of the official Arch Linux mirror. As of this writing, it goes back four months. The ARM is currently hosted at, though this could change in the future.

ARM packages can be installed remotely using pacman -U .

It isn't exactly convenient to browse the ARM for older packages. Fortunately, there are tools that make this easier:

They search for older versions in the cache and the ARM. Their usage is what you would expect.

Both tools are in the AUR, so the easiest way to install them will be with a helper like yaourt.

Note: The ARM is an unofficial project and has been closed in the past, so it might be a good idea to avoid clearing your cache in case the ARM goes down or changes locations again. If you would like to roll your own ARM, there appears to be a NodeJS project on github.Removal

Remove a package, provided nothing is depending on it. Leave its dependencies installed.

Remove a package, provided nothing is depending on it. Remove its dependencies that aren't required by anything else.

Force removal of a package. This is the command you will reach for to just wipe the package from your system and reinstall when reinstalling alone isn't enough.


The first thing you need to do is download the package from the AUR. To do that run: git clone Even though it looks like you're downloading a .git file, the output will be a directory.

cd package to find a PKGBUILD file. This will be used in the next step.

Finally, run this command to compile and install the package you've just downloaded. makepkg -Sri. If you want a comprehensive explaination of what each of those letters mean, you can run makepkg -h where they will all be explained.

Active3 years ago

I am a Arch user and I love it, but I have to use CentOS in my office and at my laptop to comply with my office policy. So I want to use CentOS 7 as my desktop and I also don't want to leave Arch Linux completely. So is there a way by which I can install pacman in CentOS 7 and have test of two different distros?

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How To Install Rpm Package On Arch Linux Auras

6631 gold badge7 silver badges18 bronze badges

3 Answers

You can install and use pacman but you can't use AUR repo in CentOS 7

How To Install Rpm Package On Linux

Arch users having to temporarily deal with another Linux distribution can use pacapt, a simple wrapper around other package managers.

To install pacapt run the following commands:

30.4k19 gold badges63 silver badges123 bronze badges

No, there isn't (or rather, you shouldn't try to do this) — you need to use your distribution's package manager.

Stephen KittStephen Kitt
202k27 gold badges479 silver badges548 bronze badges

you can simply install archlinux in chroot. not performance drawbacks as much as I know.

  1. you can download archlinux-bootstrap-2016.08.01-x86_64.tar.gz fromany archlinux official mirrror.
  2. extract it and cd into it.
  3. run the following mount commands mount -t proc proc proc/mount --rbind /sys sys/mount --rbind /dev dev/mount --rbind /run run/
  4. finally run the chroot chroot . /bin/bash

and now you should have a working archlinux chroot environment to enjoy.

How To Install Rpm Package Centos 7

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How To Install Rpm Package

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