Legal Aspects Of Business Akhileshwar Pathak Pdf Editor

<p>I SEMESTER MANAGEMENT &amp; BEHAVIOURAL PROCESSES Sub Code No. of Lecture Hrs /week Total no. of Lecture Hrs : 08MBA11 : 04 : 56 IA Marks Exam Hours Exam Marks : 50 : 3 hours : 100</p><p>FOUNDATIONS OF MANAGEMENT MODULE 1 (8 hours)</p><p>Management Introduction: Definition of management, nature, purpose and functions, level and types of managers, Manager/Non-Manager, Managerial Roles, Essential Managerial Skills, Key personal characteristics for Managerial success. Evolution and various schools to management thoughts, continuing management themes quality and performance excellence, global awareness, learning organization, Characteristics of 21st century Executives. Social responsibility of managers. MODULE 2 (8 hours)</p><p>Planning: Meaning and nature of planning, types of plans, steps in planning process; Objectives: meaning, setting and managing objectives MBO method: concept and process of managing by objectives; Strategies: definition, levels of strategies, its importance in an Organization; Policies: meaning, formulation of policies; Programs: meaning, nature; Planning premises: concept, developing effective planning premises; Decision making, steps in decision making, approaches to decision making, types of decisions and various techniques used for decision making. MODULE 3 informal organization. Traditional Organization Structures Functional, Divisional and Matrix Structure Directions in organizational Structures Team structure, network structure , boundary less structure Organizing Trends and Practices Chain of command, unity of command, span of 1 (8 hours)</p><p>Organizing: Organizing as managerial function organization structure, formal and</p><p>control, delegation and empowerment, decentralization and use of staff, organizational design and organizational configuration. MODULE 4 (8 hours)</p><p>Leading as a function of management, Leadership and vision, Leadership traits, classic Leadership styles, Leaders behaviour Likerts four systems, Managerial Grid. Overlapping role of leader and managers. The organizational context of communication, Directions of communications, channels of communication, Barriers to communication. Motivation and rewards, Rewards and performance. Hierarchy of need theory and two factory theory. Integrated model of motivation. MODULE 5 control feed forward, concurrent and feedback controls. effectiveness. RECOMMENDED BOOKS 1. Management J.R. Schermerhorn Jr. 8th Edition, Wiley India, New Delhi 2005. 2. Management-Richard L. Daft, Cegage learning REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Management - Ricky W. Griffin Eigth Edition, 2005, Biztantra 2. Fundamentals of Management-Stephen P Robbins et all, Pearson Publications, Fifth edition 3. Management - A Global and Entrepreneurial Perspective - Harold Koontz, Heinz Weihrich - TMH 12th edition, 2008. 4. Management-Concepts and Cases-V.S.P.Rao, Excel Books (6 hours) Factors in control</p><p>Controlling Control function in management, The basic control process. Types of</p><p>2</p><p>ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR MODULE 6 (4 hours)</p><p>Organizational Behavior Introduction, definition, goals, elements, historical development of Organizational Behaviour, fundamental concepts, contributing disciplines to OB, Models of OB, social systems and organizational culture, international dimensions of organizational behaviour, limitations of Organizational behaviour, the future of OB. MODULE 7 Individual Behaviours: Introduction, foundation of individual behavior: Personality: definition, determinants, personality traits, types, from concepts to skills, theories, instruments to measure personality, personality attributes influencing OB Perception: meaning, factors influencing perception, theories, perceptual errors Emotions: meaning, types of emotions, determinants, emotional labour, emotional intelligence. Attitudes: definition, sources of attitudes, types of attitudes, cognitive dissonance theory, from concepts to skills, changing attitudes, work related attitudes. Values: definition, importance of values, sources of our value systems, types of values, loyalty and ethical behavior. Learning: definition - theories of learning - some specific organizational applications. MODULE 8 (6 hours) (8 hours)</p><p>Behaviour in the Organization: Introduction, Issues between organizations and individuals: conformity issue, rights of privacy, discipline, individuals responsibilities to the organization. Interpersonal behaviour: Conflict in Organizations: nature of conflict, levels of conflict, conflict management styles. Group dynamics: types of groups, meetings, teamwork, stages of group formation. Employee stress: forms, causes, implications, approaches to stress management.</p><p>3</p><p>(NOTE : Proportionate weightage - based on number of hours allotted - should be given to both the parts while setting question papers) RECOMMENDED BOOKS 1. Organizational Behavior - Stephen P Robbins, Timothy A. Judge, Seema SanghiPearson Education, 12th Edition 2. Organization Behavior-Steven L Mc Shane, Mary Ann Von Gilnow and Radha R Sharma, TMH, 3rd Edition, 2006 REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Organizational Behavior, Fred Luthans, 11th edition, Mc-Graw Hill International 2. Understanding Organizational Behaviour Uday Parek; Oxford Press 3. Management and organizational Behavior, Laurie J Mullins, Pearson education Fundamentals of organizational behavior, Slocum/Hillriegel. Cengene Learning</p><p>4</p><p>MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS Sub Code No. of Lecture Hrs/week Total no. of Lecture Hrs : 56 : 08MBA12 : 04 IA Marks Exam Hours Exam Marks : 50 : 3 Hours : 100</p><p>MODULE 1 (07 Hrs) Introduction to Economics: Managerial Economics- Nature, Scope, &amp; significance. Role of Managerial Economist in Decision making -Decision Making Process in Managerial Economics MODULE 2 (07 Hrs) Fundamental Principles of Managerial Economics: Opportunity Costs, Incremental Principle, Time perspective, Discounting and Equi-Marginal principles. MODULE 3 (07 Hrs) Demand Analysis: Law Of Demand, Exceptions to the Law of Demand, Elasticity of demand Price, Income &amp; Cross elasticity, Uses of elasticity of demand for Managerial decision making, Measurement of elasticity of demand. Advertising and promotional elasticity of demand.Demand forecasting: Meaning &amp; Significance. MODULE 4 (07 Hrs) Concepts, Objectives of the firm, alternate objectives of firm, firm &amp; Industry. Marginalism Importance in decision making. Theories of firmManagerial theories: Baumols Model, Marriss Theory, Williamsons theory. Behavioural theories: Satisfying Behaviour, Simple model of Behaviourism. MODULE 5 (07 Hrs) Production Analysis: Concepts, production function: Single Variable Law of Variable Proportions &amp; Two variable Function ISO-Quants &amp; ISO-Costs &amp; Equilibrium (Least cost combination). Total, Average, &amp; Marginal Product. Returns to scale. Technological progress &amp; Production function. MODULE 6 (07 Hrs) Costs &amp; Revenue functions: Short run and long run cost curves, combination, expansion path. Economies and diseconomies of scale. Law of supply, Elasticity of supply. MODULE 7 (07 Hrs) Market Structure: Perfect Competition, Features, Determination of price under perfect competition Monopoly: Feature, Pricing under monopoly, Price discrimination. Oligopoly: Features, Kinked demand Curve, Cartels, Price leadership. Monopolistic Competition: Features, Pricing Under monopolistic competition, Product differentiation. Descriptive Pricing Approaches: Full cost Pricing, Product Line Pricing, Pricing Strategies: Price Skimming, Penetration Pricing, Loss leader pricing.</p><p>5</p><p>MODULE 8 (07 Hrs) Profits: Determinants of Short-term &amp; Long-term profits. Classification Measurement of Profit.Break Even Analysis Meaning, Assumptions, determination of BEA, Limitations Uses of BEA in Managerial decisions.</p><p>RECOMMENDED BOOKS: 1. Managerial Economics -Theory and Applications byDr. D M Mithani:Himalaya Publication, 2/e, 2005 2. Managerial Economics by Craig H Petersen, W. Chris Lewis &amp; Sudhir K JainPearson Education, 4th Ed. REFERENCE TEXT: 1. Micro Economics by Dominick Salvotore, Oxford publishers, 4/e, 2004 2. Managerial Economics by D N Dwivedi -6th ed, Vikas Publication, 2005 3. Managerial Economics by Christopher R Thomas, S Charless Maurice Special Indian, 8th Ed, Mc-Graw Hill Education 4. Economics by Samuelson Nordhavs 18th Edition, Mc-Graw Hill Education</p><p>6</p><p>STATISTICS FOR MANAGEMENT Sub Code No. of Lecture Hrs /week Total no. of Lecture Hrs MODULE 1 : 08MBA13 : 04 : 56 IA Marks Exam Hours Exam Marks : 50 : 3 hours : 100 (6 Hours)</p><p>Introduction to Statistics: Definition of Statistics Importance and Scope of Statistics Functions of Statistics - Statistical Investigation - Limitations of Statistics Distrust of Statistics Statistical Data: Primary and Secondary data Sources of Data Types of Classification of data Frequency Distribution: Discrete or Ungrouped Frequency Distribution, Grouped Frequency Distribution, Continuous Frequency Distribution. Diagrammatic and Graphic Representation: Line Diagram, Bar Diagram, Rectangle Diagram, and Pie Diagram -Choice of a suitable Diagram Graphs: Histograms, Frequency Polygon, Cumulative Frequency Curves or Ogives Advantages and Limitations of Diagrams and Graphs Tabulation:- Types of Tables- Construction of one way and two way tables. MODULE 2 (6 Hours)</p><p>Measures of Central Tendency: Average: Concept, Types Mathematical Averages: Arithmetic Mean, Geometric Mean, Harmonic Mean Position or Locational Averages: Median, Mode ( No grouping table method). Partition Values: Quartiles, Deciles and Percentiles Comparison of the Various Measures of Central Tendencies. MODULE 3 (8 Hours)</p><p>Measures of Dispersion: Range Quartile Deviation Mean Deviation - Standard Deviation Variance Coefficient of Variance - Comparison of various measures of Dispersion Skuwnes: Relative measures of skuwness- Karl- Pearson, Bowley, Kelly, Co-efficient of skuwness. MODULE 4 (6 Hours)</p><p>Correlation and Regression: Scatter Diagram, Karl Pearsons coefficient of Correlation ( One way table only), Rank Correlation, Concurrent Deviation - Regression: Method of Least Squares, MODULE 5 (7 Hours)</p><p>Time Series Analysis &amp; Index Numbers: Introduction, Objectives of Time Series, Identification of Trend - Variations in Time Series: Secular Variation, Cyclical Variation, Seasonal Variation, and Irregular Variation Methods of Estimating Trend; Index Numbers: Definition; uses; types; Simple Aggregate Method and Weighted Aggregate Method Laspeyres, Paasches, Fishers and CPI. Problems on calculation on trend and seasonal variation only.</p><p>7</p><p>MODULE 6</p><p>(8 Hours)</p><p>Probability: Concept and Definition - Relevance to Management Decisions - Sample Space and Events - Relevance of Permutations and Combinations to Probability - Rules of Probability, Random Variables and Concept of Probability Distribution. Theoretical Probability Distributions: Binomial, Poisson and Normal and problems on it. (No derivation). MODULE 7 (5 Hours) Sampling and Sampling Distribution: Concept and Definitions - Census and Sampling Probability Samples and Non-Probability Samples. Relationship between Sample size and errors. MODULE 8 (10 Hours)</p><p>Testing of Hypothesis and Inferences : Introduction to Hypothesis Testing, Procedure of testing hypothesis, Type I and Type II Errors. Z-Test, t-test, F-test, Chi-Square test; Analysis of Variance One-Way and Two-way classification. Problems on one way annova only. NOTE: THE QUESTION PAPER SHALL CONSIST OF THEORY &amp; PROBLEMS IN THE RATIO OF 40:60. Use of scientific non programmable calculators permitted for use in exams</p><p>RECOMMENDED BOOKS: 1. Business Statistics, J.K.Sharma, Pearson Education, Second edition 2008. 2. Fundamentals of Statistics, S. C. Gupta, Himalaya Publishing House, 6/e, 2004 REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Statistics , Levin and Rubin, Perason, 7e 2. Statistical Methods, S. P. Gupta, Sultan Chand &amp; Sons, 2002 3. Complete Business Statistics 6/e, Aczel and Sounderpandian, Tata-McGraw Hill, 2006 4. Statistics for Business and Economics, Anderson, Sweeney, William, Thomson Publishing, 9/e, 2007</p><p>8</p><p>ACCOUNTING FOR MANAGERS Sub Code No. of Lecture Hrs /week Total no. of Lecture Hrs MODULE 1 : 08MBA14 : 04 : 56 IA Marks Exam Hours Exam Marks : 50 : 3 hours : 100 (7 Hours)</p><p>Principle of double entry book keeping: Importance &amp; scope of accounting, Accounting concepts, conventions, GAAPS &amp; accounting standards. Accounting equations, Users of accounting statements. MODULE 2 (7 Hours)</p><p>Preparation of books of original records: Journals, subsidiary book, problems on cash book and petty cash book, Ledgers &amp; trial balance. MODULE 3 (12 Hours)</p><p>Preparation of final accounts/statement: Sole traders with basic adjustments, Preparation of final accounts / statement of companies (Both horizontal &amp; vertical form of financial statements).</p><p>MODULE 4</p><p>(6 Hours)</p><p>Depreciation &amp; Inventory valuation: Concepts &amp; methods of depreciation, Problems on straight line &amp; WDV methods, Inventory-concepts &amp; methods, Problems on LIFO, FIFO &amp; weighted average. MODULE 5 (4 Hours)</p><p>Nature and incidence of window dressing: Determination of EBDIT, EBIT, EDT, EAT, EPS, DPS, Payout ratio- P/E ratio, Net cash accrual, ROCE, RONW, BV and Entity Value, (This concept to be introduced using a financial statement) MODULE 6 (4 Hours)</p><p>Provisions of the companies act 1956: Provision affecting preparation, presentation &amp; analysis of Audit reports &amp; directors reports. (Students should be exposed to reading of annul reports of companies both detailed &amp; summarized version)</p><p>MODULE 7</p><p>(10 Hours)</p><p>Analysis of financial performance of a firm: Different tools, Ratio analysis- Different types of ratios, Inter-relation between Ratios, Due-point analysis, Common size statement of inter firm and intra firm.</p><p>9</p><p>MODULE 8</p><p>(6 Hours)</p><p>Statement of changes in Funds: Funds Flow Statement, Cash Flow Statement, Problems with basic adjustment on FFS &amp; CFS.</p><p>RECOMMENDED BOOKS:</p><p>1. Financial Accounting _ A Managerial Prespective - R. Narayanaswamy Prentice Hall India, 3/e 2. Financial Accounting For Management-N. Ramachandran &amp; Ram Kumar KakaniTMH Publications, 1/e, 3. Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis Ashish K Bhatta charya Elsevier India (P) Ltd, Recommended books for modules 5&amp;7. 4. Financial Accounting-P. C. Tulsian Pearson Education India, 1/e,</p><p>REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Financial Accounting for Management: An Analytical Perspective Ambrish Gupta, Pearson Education, 1/e, 2. Financial Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis Ashok Banerjee, Excel Books, 2003 3. Accounting For Managers Maheswari &amp; Maheswari Vikas Publishing house (P) Ltd. 4. Financial Statement Analysis Wild Tomson Cengage Learning Ltd. 5. Advanced Accountancy- R.L. Gupta &amp; M. Radhaswamy Sultan Chand Publications, 2002 6. Accounting for Managers-Bhattacharya- Vikas Publications, 3/e, 2004 7. Financial Accounting for Business Managers, Ashish K Bhattacharya, PHI, 2/e, 2005 8. Accountancy Vol I &amp; Vol II, B.S. Rama..</p>

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