The Refind Binary File Is Missing Aborting Installation Software

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The Refind Binary File Is Missing Aborting Installation Software Free



HP-UX 11.31, Serviceguard A.11.20

Node hostnames: vihp35, vihp36


vihp35n# cmcheckconf
Begin cluster and package verification..
<there is no output from this command>
vihp35n# cmgetconf
Unable to receive device query message from vihp36: Software caused connection abort
vihp35n# cmquerycl -C TEST.ASCII -n vihp35 -n vihp36
Warning: Unable to determine local domain name for vihp35
Unable to receive device query message from vihp35: Software caused connection abort
Unable to receive device query message from vihp36: Software caused connection abort
No remote connections are active. Check syslog for details
Note: Disks were discovered which are not in use by either LVM or VxVM.
Use pvcreate(1M) to initialize a disk for LVM or,
use vxdiskadm(1M) to initialize a disk for VxVM.
ERROR: Unable to determine a unique identifier for physical volume
/dev/disk/disk1_p2 on node vihp35. Use pvcreate to give the disk an
Failed to gather configuration information.

Other symptoms:

58 'cmclconfd -c' processes on vihp35

62 'cmclconfd -c' processes on vihp36


First, addressing the non-central issues.

  1. The message, Warning: Unable to determine local domain name for .., is a warning and will not cause Serviceguard commands to fail. However, it will generate similar messages in syslog.log repeatedly whenever a Serviceguard command is performed, to the consternation of the system administrators. It is better to configure the system to avoid these messages.

  2. The message:

    ERROR: Unable to determine a unique identifier for physical volume /dev/disk/disk1_p2 on node vihp35. Use pvcreate to give the disk an identifier.

    _p2 indicates a boot partition. Verify lvlnboot produces reasonable output and that the device is properly partitioned.


    # lvlnboot -v vg00
    Boot Definitions for Volume Group /dev/vg00:
    Physical Volumes belonging in Root Volume Group:
    /dev/disk/disk3_p2 -- Boot Disk
    Boot: lvol1 on: /dev/disk/disk3_p2
    Root: lvol3 on: /dev/disk/disk3_p2
    Swap: lvol2 on: /dev/disk/disk3_p2
    Dump: lvol2 on: /dev/disk/disk3_p2, 0

    Validate the primary partition.


    # idisk -v /dev/rdisk/disk3

    (produces no output)

    • Remove special files (boot device files) that are no longer claimed by hardware (ioscan -kfnCdisk identifies with NO_HW).

    • Some array controllers must support active/active functionality, requiring a firmware update.

    • One or LUNs use an unsupported driver (such as zdlmfdrv).

      Workaround: Use -K option with cmcheckconf and cmapplyconf.

    The following is a comprehensive series of actions that separately may result in restoring Serviceguard command operations.

    Treating the central message:

    Unable to receive device query message from vihp35: Software caused connection abort

  3. Serviceguard communicates with other nodes in the cluster using hacl and identd/auth ports (identified in /etc/services and /etc/inetd.conf). It is critical that these ports be operational in order to process Serviceguard commands. At a minimum, the following must be active:

    $ netstat -a grep hacl
    tcp 0 0 *.hacl-probe *.* LISTEN
    tcp 0 0 *.hacl-cfg *.* LISTEN
    udp 0 0 *.hacl-cfg *.*

    If they are not, inspect and correct the above files and restart inetd. Also verify that this line is one of the first declared in /etc/hosts: localhost loopback

    If /var/adm/inetd.sec exists, ensure it does not deny these services for any node.

  4. Edit /etc/hosts, and add _any_ IP that is permanently assigned to _any_ NIC on _any_ node, and then alias that IP to the simple hostname of the node.

    Serviceguard uses networking ports to operate configuration commands so it must be able to associate the IP embedded in the request with the simple hostname, so it may use any cluster-common network to communicate with other nodes in the cluster. Example: vihp35hb vihp36hb vihp35h1 vihp36h1
    Change to: vihp35hb.corp.<yourcorp>.com vihp35 vihp36hb.corp.<yourcorp>.com vihp36 vihp35h1.corp.<yourcorp>.com vihp35 vihp36h1.corp.<yourcorp>.com vihp36

    This action is required per the Managing Serviceguard manual at the Name resolution section of the below-mentioned article:

    Click here to refer to the Managing Serviceguard manual at

  5. Verify that LAN NIC failure has been recovered, on each cluster node.


    $ grep failed /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log grep lan
    Jun 12 02:12:44 vihp35 cmnetd[2878]: lan3 failed.
    Jun 12 02:12:52 vihp35 cmnetd[2878]: lan1 failed.

    If the user does not see a lanX recovered message, investigate whether the cable is detached, the network switch port is down, or the NIC is hardware down.


    root@rxg16u09:PKGS/# lanscan
    Hardware Station Crd Hdw Net-Interface NM MAC HP-DLPI DLPI
    Path Address In# State NamePPA ID Type Support Mjr#
    0/4/1/0/6/0 0x00237DA97FE5 3 UP lan3 snap3 3 ETHER Yes 119
    0/1/2/1 0x00226493AF08 1 UP lan1 snap1 4 ETHER Yes 119

    (Verify Hdw State = UP). If not up, consider resetting the NIC:

    $ landiag
    Enter command: lan
    Enter command: ppa
    Enter PPA Number. Currently 0: 1
    Enter command: reset
    Resetting LAN Interface to run selftest.

  6. Edit /etc/nsswitch.conf to point to files before external name resolution resources so that Serviceguard commands are not delayed by problems with external sources.

    Example: Change the following:

    ipnodes: dns [NOTFOUND=return] files
    services: nis [NOTFOUND=return] files


    ipnodes: files [NOTFOUND=return] dns
    services: files [NOTFOUND=return] nis

    This is also documented in the manual Managing Serviceguard.

  7. Since inetd is involved in Serviceguard command processing, kill inetd and restart it (inetd -k ; inetd) to insure a fresh incarnation is running.

  8. Serviceguard A.11.19 and A.11.20 use the same cluster manager engine and may start up to 6 cmclconfd -c processes when the node joins the cluster. Kill any additional cmclconfd processes that are started later. It will not affect Serviceguard or business applications. For that matter, killing all cmclconfd processes will not impair Serviceguard or the packages it is running because inetd will restart them as needed.


    $ ps -ef grep cmclconfd grep -v grep sort -k 5,6
    root 2767 1560 0 Jul 16 ? 0:00 cmclconfd -c
    root 2955 1560 0 Jul 16 ? 0:00 cmclconfd -c
    root 12591 1560 0 Jul 16 ? 0:00 cmclconfd -c
    root 20554 1560 0 Jul 16 ? 0:00 cmclconfd -c
    root 25164 1560 0 Jul 16 ? 0:00 cmclconfd -c
    root 3665 1560 0 Nov 25 ? 0:00 cmclconfd -c
    root 3679 1560 0 Nov 25 ? 0:00 cmclconfd -c
    root 3744 1560 0 Nov 25 ? 0:00 cmclconfd -c
    root 3745 1560 0 Nov 25 ? 0:00 cmclconfd -c
    root 3749 1560 0 Nov 25 ? 0:00 cmclconfd -c
    root 7256 1560 0 01:22:41 ? 0:00 cmclconfd -c
    root 10866 1560 0 01:42:36 ? 0:00 cmclconfd -c
    root 10973 1560 0 01:43:13 ? 0:00 cmclconfd -c

    The example issue occurred in July, and the system joined the cluster in November, so all cmclconfd processes that were not started in November should be killed. Repeat on the sister nodes that experience Serviceguard configuration command troubles.

  9. Use cksum to verify the checksum of the cluster binary file is the same across nodes in the cluster.


    # cksum /etc/cmcluster/cmclconfig
    1780696186 34528 /etc/cmcluster/cmclconfig

    compare this number across nodes

  10. Determine if cmquerycl runs without options. If it fails, fundamental hacl port activities are not completing. Test whether the identd port if working.


    # netstat -an grep .5302 head -1
    tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED
    ----- ----

    Port 58401 is a random port that Serviceguard picks and port 5302 is the port that awakens cmclconfd.

    # telnet localhost 113
    Connected to localhost.
    Escape character is '^]'.
    58401, 5302 <--- enter the two ports
    58401 , 5302 : USERID : UNIX :root <--- this is a successful connection
    Connection closed by foreign host.

    If the USERID is printed, the auth/identd daemon is functioning as it should.

  11. If the problem has not been solved by the above actions, determine whether disabling Serviceguard's reliance on identd will restore Serviceguard configuration command operation. Edit /etc/inetd.conf on each node that fails to process Serviceguard commands and add the -i option as follows:

    hacl-cfg stream tcp nowait root /usr/lbin/cmclconfd cmclconfd -c -i
    hacl-probe stream tcp nowait root /opt/cmom/lbin/cmomd /opt/cmom/lbin/cmomd -i -f /var/opt/cmom/cmomd.log -r /var/opt/cmom

    Then restart inetd and test Serviceguard commands.

    If the previous steps fail to alleviate the problem, it may be necessary to reboot the system(s) to clear a potential problem with the kernel. Perhaps now would be a good time to install needed patches.

  12. Run swverify on each system, looking for permission problems with configuration files in /etc/ or /usr/lbin.

    # swverify *

  13. Report if any of the following files are missing on either of the cluster nodes:

    # ll /var/adm/cmcluster/.*socket
    srw------- 1 root root 0 Jul 9 13:06 /var/adm/cmcluster/.cmcld_local_socket
    srw-rw-rw- 1 root root 0 Jul 9 13:06 /var/adm/cmcluster/.cmgmsd_local_socket
    s------rw- 1 root root 0 Jul 9 13:06 /var/adm/cmcluster/.cmnetd.ANY_USER.socket
    srw------- 1 root root 0 Jul 9 13:06 /var/adm/cmcluster/.cmnetd.root.socket
    s------rw- 1 root root 0 Jun 12 09:01 /var/adm/cmcluster/.cmproxyd.ANY_USER.socket
    srw------- 1 root root 0 Jun 12 09:01 /var/adm/cmcluster/.cmproxyd.root.socket
    srw------- 1 root root 0 Jul 9 13:06 /var/adm/cmcluster/.cmresourced.root.socket
    srw------- 1 root root 0 Jul 9 13:06 /var/adm/cmcluster/.cmserviced.root.socket

    If some are missing, consider restarting the cluster or rebooting.

  14. Locate core files spawned by Serviceguard:

    # ll /core /etc/cmcluster/core /etc/lvmconf/core /var/adm/cmcluster/core
    # file <filepath> grep 'from 'cmclconfd'

    If the user has the expertise, run a debugger to identify the stack trace:

    # /opt/langtools/bin/gdb /usr/lbin/cmclconfd <core file>

    If all of the above and rebooting do not remedy the condition, get the HP Customer Support Center involved.

  15. Issues with cmclconfd may require debug logging. Add the following lines to /etc/cmcluster.conf:


    Kill inetd and all cmclconfd processes and immediately restart inetd (inetd -k ; inetd). This can be done while the node is running Serviceguard packages.

    Add a test statement to syslog.


    $ logger TESTING cmclconfd debug

    Run the Serviceguard configuration commands that fail to get cmclconfd debug messages.

    Tag the syslog file:

    $ logger END test

    Comment out the newly added lines in /etc/cmcluster.conf and restart inetd again and kill cmclconfd processes. Be prepared to send the debug logs to HP Support.

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