Sketchup Pro 2014 License Key Free

Table of Contents

Downloading SketchUp

Removing a license from SketchUp. SketchUp Pro single user licenses are 'locked' to the machine on which you licensed SketchUp. If you purchase a new machine and want to transfer your SketchUp license to that new machine, you will want to remove your license from your old machine. Open SketchUp 2014 or newer and your new materials should be. Google SketchUp Pro 2018 Crack License Key Free Download made upgrades which can be significant all of our illustrations pipelines, making it possible for overall performance improvements just about everywhere you see a.SKP. Now, SketchUp, 3D Warehouse, LayOut, my.SketchUp and Trimble Connect all render models utilizing the same algorithms—all that is under-the-hood for buttery 3D orbiting.

To get started, please download the appropriate installer for SketchUp:


Camera nikon coolpix. For older versions or other download options:

Installing SketchUp for the first time or installing a new major version

After downloading the file, follow these steps to install SketchUp:

  1. Log in to the computer with a user account that has administrator rights.
  2. Double-click the EXE install file. You can also context-click and select Run As an Administrator.
  3. Click Next in the Welcome dialog box.
  4. Click on the I accept the terms of this license agreement button in the End User License Agreement if you agree to the terms.
  5. Click the Next button to install SketchUp in the default location.
  6. Click the Install button if you're satisfied with the settings.
  7. Click the Finish button when prompted.
    Windows 7/Windows 8: Be sure to close SketchUp Pro after installing prior to authorizing.
  8. Launch SketchUp once before logging out of the administrative user account. If you have a SketchUp Pro license, please be aware that you must authorize while logged in to an administrative account. See the links below for help authorizing.

After downloading the file, follow these steps to install SketchUp.

  1. Double-click on the DMG install file. This will mount the installer drive and launch a Finder window.
  2. Click and drag the application to the Applications folder. You may be asked to provide your user account password.

Please note:

  • A single user license can only be used by the registered user.
  • The registered user can authorize up to 2 personal computers.

Graphics Card Driver Support

To ensure SketchUp installs and runs properly, we recommend making sure you have the most current driver installed for your video card. You can learn more about updating your video card driver in the Help Center.

To ensure SketchUp installs and runs properly we recommend having the most current drivers installed for your video card. To do this you need to make sure you have the most current update available for OS X or macOS. If you're not running the most current version of macOS then you may wish to upgrade.

A Note about permissions

In order to successfully install and authorize SketchUp Pro, you must first log in to Windows as a user who has either Administrator or Power User rights.

In order to successfully install SketchUp Pro on a Mac, you must first log in on your Mac as a user who has Admin privileges. Note that you will be prompted for a username and password during the installation process as well.

Tip: Installing SketchUp 2019 does not install over older major versions of SketchUp. Multiple versions of SketchUp can be installed on the same computer. But if you don't need the older versions, uninstalling those versions makes a tidier computer.

Installing Maintenance Releases or Installing minor version updates

Maintenance Releases and minor version updates are meant to be installed over an existing major version. When a maintenance release becomes available, you will see a message in SketchUp to download and install this update. Once you finish downloading the install, double-click on the install file and follow the instructions. Installing the update over an existing version is the best way to preserve your settings and preferences.

Removing a license from SketchUp

SketchUp Pro single user licenses are 'locked' to the machine on which you licensed SketchUp. If you purchase a new machine and want to transfer your SketchUp license to that new machine, you will want to remove your license from your old machine. To remove a classic license:

  1. Select SketchUp > License (macOS) or Help > License (Windows)
  2. Click the link labeled 'Remove License' - you will see a confirmation dialog.
  3. Click the Remove License button - your license will be removed.
If you wish to re-apply your license to this computer you may still do so by clicking 'Add License' at the top right of the screen.

To de-authorize a computer using a subscription you'll need to use the Trimble Account manager, steps are detailed in our Help Center atrticle here.

Authorizing SketchUp - Single User

If you've purchased a SketchUp subscription your authorization is managed by your subscription and by being signed in with a Trimble ID. Once you've signed into SketchUp Desktop with a Trimble ID the software will be activated for use as long as you have an active subscription.

If you're using a Classic license you can follow the steps below.
  1. If you haven't downloaded and installed SketchUp, please do so.
  2. Double-click on the SketchUp 2015 icon on the Desktop.
  3. Double-click on the SketchUp 2016 icon on the Desktop.
  4. Double-click on the SketchUp 2017 icon on the Desktop.
  5. Double-click on the SketchUp 2018 icon on the Desktop.
  6. Double-click on the SketchUp 2019 icon on the Desktop.
  7. in the Welcome to SketchUp dialog box, click the Add Classic License button at the bottom right.
    If you don't see the Welcome to SketchUp dialog box, select Help > License.
  8. In the Welcome to SketchUp dialog box, click the Add Classic License button at the bottom
  9. In the License dialog box, click the Add License.. button
  10. When you purchased SketchUp you were sent an email with your License and Authorization Code, open that license confirmation email and locate your information for the version of SketchUp you're authorizing.
    Each License and authorization number is unique for a version of SketchUp, if you're installing a new version of SketchUp then you'll have a new License and Authorization Code to use. If you're unable to locate your license confirmation email then you can look up your current license information here.
  11. Copy and paste your Serial Number, and Authorization Code into the dialog box.
  12. Click Add License. This will download a license file from the cloud to your computer.
Mac -

Sketchup Pro 2014 License Key Free

  1. If you haven't downloaded and installed SketchUp, please do so.
  2. Open Finder and click on Applications.
  3. Browse to the SketchUp 2015 folder.
  4. Browse to the SketchUp 2016 folder.
  5. Browse to the SketchUp 2017 folder.
  6. Browse to the SketchUp 2018 folder.
  7. Browse to the SketchUp 2019 folder.
  8. Click the SketchUp icon.
  9. In the Welcome to SketchUp dialog box, click the Add License button at the bottom right of the dialog.
    If you don't see the Welcome to SketchUp dialog box, select SketchUp > License..
  10. Open the license confirmation email that you received shortly after purchasing your license.
  11. Copy and paste your Serial Number and Authorization Code into the dialog boxes.
  12. Click Add License. This will download a license file from the Internet to your computer.

In the following video, you can see how to authenticate your license for the selected version of SketchUp Pro.

Authorizing SketchUp Pro 2019 with a Classic License
Authorizing SketchUp Pro 2019 with a Subscription

Authorizing SketchUp on a Network as an Administrator

If you've purchased a SketchUp subscription your authorization is managed by your subscription and by being signed in with a Trimble ID. Once you've signed into SketchUp Desktop with a Trimble ID the software will be activated for use as long as you have an active subscription.

Authorizing a network license on macOS is the same method as used for the single user license.

If you're distributing SketchUp across a larger network we recommend using a disk imaging package such as Norton Ghost or Deep Freeze. Once you've installed SketchUp on all client computers you can simplify the licensing process by including a file which will pre-populate the serial number and authorization code for users so they won't need to type it in themselves.

To use this procedure:
  1. Ensure that SketchUp Pro 2015 is installed on all computers.
  2. Ensure that SketchUp Pro 2016 is installed on all computers.
  3. Ensure that SketchUp Pro 2017 is installed on all computers.
  4. Ensure that SketchUp Pro 2018 is installed on all computers.
  5. Ensure that SketchUp Pro 2019 is installed on all computers.
  6. Create a file named activation_info.txt
  7. In that file, add your network serial number and authorization code in the following format: {'serial_number':'<your serial number>', 'auth_code':'<your auth code>'}
  8. Save the file and distribute it to the following location on each machine:
    Windows: C:ProgramDataSketchUpSketchUp 2015
    OS X: /Library/Application Support/SketchUp 2015
    Windows: C:ProgramDataSketchUpSketchUp 2016
    OS X: /Library/Application Support/SketchUp 2016
    Windows: C:ProgramDataSketchUpSketchUp 2017
    OS X: /Library/Application Support/SketchUp 2017
    Windows: C:ProgramDataSketchUpSketchUp 2018
    OS X: /Library/Application Support/SketchUp 2018
    Windows: C:ProgramDataSketchUpSketchUp 2019
    OS X: /Library/Application Support/SketchUp 2019
  9. Launch SketchUp on each machine or ask your users to open SketchUp Pro.
  10. In the Welcome to SketchUp dialog, click the License tab. The serial number and authorization code should be pre-populated in the fields, saving the user from typing anything.
  11. The user will need to click on the Add License button to complete the operation on launch.

Uninstalling SketchUp

If you are uninstalling SketchUp permanently from your computer, be sure to remove your license first. Open SketchUp, click the License tab in the Welcome Window, then click the red Remove License button.


Windows Vista/Windows 7: Click the Start (Windows logo) menu > Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features > SketchUp #.

To uninstall SketchUp, select Remove (Uninstall on Vista or Windows 7). When asked if you'd like to remove SketchUp, click Yes.

Buy Sketchup Pro 2014 License

If you are having problems with SketchUp, you can try the Change option, which begins the process of reinstalling the program features that were installed during the last installation. This can fix any application files that were corrupted (this doesn't affect or fix your SketchUp drawing files, the SKP files). Alpine manual download. If that doesn't work, try uninstalling and reinstalling SketchUp.

Mac OS X

Sketchup Pro 2014 Free Download

  1. Quit SketchUp. (If you have more than one instance of SketchUp open, make sure you quit all instances of SketchUp.)
  2. Open a Finder window.
  3. Delete the SketchUp folder from the main library:
    1. In the left pane of the Finder window, click Macintosh HD.
    2. In the right pane, click Library, and then Application Support.
    3. In the Application Support folder, find the Google SketchUp # folder, and then drag it to the trash.
      For SketchUp 2013 the folder will simply be 'SketchUp 2013'.
  4. Delete the SketchUp folder from your user library:
    1. In the left pane of the Finder window, click your user name, then click Library* in the right pane.
      1. *If you're using Mac OS X 10.7 or newer, hold down the Option (Alt) button on your keyboard, click Go in the menubar, then select the Library option in the drop-down list. Here's an example video.
    2. Open the Application Support folder.
    3. In the Application Support folder, find the SketchUp # folder, and then drag it to the trash.
  5. Delete the SketchUp application:
    1. In the left pane of the Finder window, click Applications.
    2. In the right pane, find SketchUp # folder, and then drag it to the trash.
  6. Delete the plist file:
    1. In the left pane of the Finder window, click your user name.
    2. In the right pane, clickLibrary*, and thenPreferences.
      1. *If you're using Mac OS X 10.7 or newer, hold down the Option (Alt) button on your keyboard, click Go in the menubar, then select the Library option in the drop-down list. Here's an example video.
    3. In the Preferences folder, drag any of the following files, if present, to the trash:
      • com.atlast.sketchup.plist
      • com.sketchup.SketchUp.plist
      • com.sketchup.LayOut.plist
      • com.sketchup.StyleBuilder.plist
      • com.sketchup.SketchUp.2014.plist
      • com.sketchup.LayOut.2014.plist
      • com.sketchup.StyleBuilder.2014.plist
      • com.sketchup.SketchUp.2015.plist
      • com.sketchup.LayOut.2015.plist
      • com.sketchup.StyleBuilder.2015.plist
      • com.sketchup.SketchUp.2016.plist
      • com.sketchup.LayOut.2016.plist
      • com.sketchup.StyleBuilder.2016.plist
      • com.sketchup.SketchUp.2017.plist
      • com.sketchup.LayOut.2017.plist
      • com.sketchup.StyleBuilder.2017.plist
      • com.sketchup.SketchUp.2018.plist
      • com.sketchup.LayOut.2018.plist
      • com.sketchup.StyleBuilder.2018.plist
      • com.sketchup.SketchUp.2019.plist
      • com.sketchup.LayOut.2019.plist
      • com.sketchup.StyleBuilder.2019.plist
  7. Empty the trash.